Hello Welocome Dear Pokemon Fan

In this section you will be reading about random pokemon facts that can help you show off.

Let me begin...

Pokemon means 'Pocket Monsters'

Pokemon is an abbreviation of 'Poketto Monsutā' which means 'Pocket Monster' in Japanese. Because they fit in your pocket, of course! Although luckily they live in Poke balls, imagine the mess if they used your pockets as a loo...

Press this a link to find funny GIFS about Pokemon! Hoped you liked that paragraph, cause there is a lot more coming!

That was the introduction Let get more into it shall we!

Saudi Arabia BANNED Pokemon at one point

Saudi Arabia aren't famous for being super relaxed about stuff. Apparently Pokemon was promoting polytheism (Belief in more than one god) and other things the government weren't happy about. You can still watch Pokemon in Saudi Arabia, but only in English. Luckily the country is becoming a bit more relaxed about it, and younger fans can finally see what all the fuss was about!

Fire Pokemon

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